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April 17, 2022 Risen and Reigning (Matthew 28) (Sam Rabon)

April 10, 2022 The Journey to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) (Mark 10:32-34; John 12:1-19) (Sam Rabon)

April 3, 2022 Offering (Selections from Leviticus 1-6) (Sam Rabon)

March 27, 2022 Restless No More (Genesis 4) (Sam Rabon)

March 20, 2022 Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry (Luke 10:38-42, John 21:15-23) (Kevin Wirt)

March 6, 2022 Faithful to Forgive (Psalm 32) (Sam Rabon)

March 28, 2021 Series continues: Hosanna! (Luke 19:28-44) (Sam Rabon)

March 21, 2021 Series continues: Seek His Kingdom (Luke 12:13-34) (Sam Rabon)

April 12, 2020 Road to Resurrection, Part 4: Alive! (Luke 15:11-32, online) (Sam Rabon)

April 5, 2020 Road to Resurrection, Part 3: Rescue! (2 Samuel 6, online) (Sam Rabon)

March 29, 2020 Road to Resurrection, Part 2: Sin and Separation (Genesis 3, online) (Sam Rabon)

March 22, 2020 Road to Resurrection, Part 1: Creation (Genesis 2, online) (Sam Rabon)

April 21, 2019 Was Blind but Now I See (John 9) (Easter) (Sam Rabon)

April 14, 2019 The Great I Am (John 8:12-59) (Palm Sunday) (Sam Rabon)

April 7, 2019 The Messiah and the Festival (John 7) (Sam Rabon)

March 31, 2019 Set your hearts, set your minds on things above (Colossians 2:16-3:17) (Jon Marken)

April 1, 2018 Embracing the Life of Jesus (John 20:10-31, Easter) (Sam Rabon)

March 25, 2018 Lessons Along the Road (Mark 10 and 11) (Sam Rabon)

April 16, 2017 Finding Life at the Crossroads (Mark 16:1-8) (Sam Rabon)

April 9, 2017 The Path (Mark 8:31-9:1) (Sam Rabon)

March 27, 2016 Choose Life! (Easter) (John 11:1-44, Sam Rabon)

April 5, 2015 What Difference Does It Make? (1 Cor. 15:12-19, Easter, Lee Copeland)

March 29, 2015 Sorrowful Unto Death (Luke 22:39-46)