We never take an offering or ask for money, but we do have a box at the back of the sanctuary and also make online giving available through the button below. Or you can send a check to Faith Bible Fellowship, PO Box 917, Farmville, VA 23901. Thank you for your generosity!

Christmas Project Offering

This year’s collection will be used to sponsor a laundry room at the newly re-opened Madeline’s House. Any funds collected above the sponsorship amount will be used to buy equipment for the recreation room. Madeline’s House, now run by STEPS, provides domestic violence shelter services in our region. You can give to this offering by clicking below.


Taking the Great Commission very seriously, we love having a part in missions all over the world. Giving links are provided here to many of the organizations that we support.

Giving Links

Scroll/Click to visit the organization’s website

Special Collection for Hurricane Relief (Cifers Foundation)

You can give to this offering by clicking below.